The Heathen Temple at Uppsala

Adam of Bremen

Edited by D. L. Ashliman. © 1998.
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The Swedes have a well known temple at Uppsala, not far from Sigtuna and Björkö. It is situated on level ground, surrounded by mountains. A large tree with spreading branches stands near the temple. There is also a spring nearby where the heathens make human sacrifices. A golden chain completely surrounds the temple, and its roof, too, is covered with gold.

The temple houses the statues of three gods:

Thor takes the central position, with Wotan and Frey on either side. Thor, according to their beliefs, governs the air with its thunder, lightning, wind, rain, and fair weather. He is depicted carrying a scepter, much as our people depict Jove.

Wotan (which means "the furious one") governs war and has the ability to protect humans against their enemies. He is depicted with armor and weapons, much as our people depict Mars.

Frey governs peace and pleasure. His statue is fashioned with an immense phallus.

The Swedes also worship their heroes from the past, whom they have endowed with immortality because of their great deeds.

The heathen priests in Sweden offer sacrifices to Thor if the people are threatened with plague or famine; to Wotan for victory at war; and to Frey for happiness in marriage.

Every nine years a great ceremony is held at Uppsala. People bring sacrifices from all the Swedish provinces. The most distressing feature of this festival is that Christians too participate in the sacrifices, thus marking their return to heathenism. Animals and humans alike are sacrificed, and their bodies are hung in the trees of a sacred grove that is adjacent to the temple. The heathens believe that the grove has been made sacred through the death and the putrefaction of the many victims that have hung there. A seventy-two year old Christian reported to me that he had personally witnessed these sacrifices. The heathens chant many different prayers and incantations during these rituals, but they are so vile that I will say nothing further about them.


Revised October 23, 1998.