CHANGE LOG 2003-04-11 first full working version completed 2003-06-05 created a keyboard layout (not added to the website yet) 2003-06-07 added local Hnias font download 2003-06-07 added keyboard layout download 2003-06-07 created the cealc beackground pic and a rune.CSS 2003-06-07 renamed runescribe.php to index.php and added keyb_map.html rune_font.html runes_more.html 2003-06-07 placed all the files in a directory called Runescribe and creted this change log 2003-06-07 edited index.php for better understandability 2003-06-20 added font selection and space transcribe selection 2003-06-20 fixed transcribing of , ; : and now removes unneccesary punctuation 2003-06-20 changed s from 16CB to 16CA 2003-06-20 added notification "nothing to transcribe" when no transcriptible chars were found 2003-06-20 now shows unstranscrible chars too 2003-06-20 input is first trimmed 2003-06-20 better comma / special chars replacement 2004-04-05 removed germanic clique banner 2004-04-05 cp index.php index_nl.php; now folkspraak will be our focus 2004-04-05 improved comments in source code 2004-08-08 added replace user-specified characters 2004-08-08 replaced input type=text by a textarea and added multi-line support 2004-08-08 improved the user interface 2004-08-08 added mapping.html, added "back" links 2016-10-07 NotoSansRunic.ttf added, updated Hnias from 3.1 to 3.3, removed Hnias EOT format